Practical planning, knowledge sharing and building communities of practice for effective land reform and diversified rural livelihoods
Phuhlisani has been in operation for 21 years. It began working as a closed corporation before converting to a non-profit in October 2015: Phuhlisani NPC.
While practical planning and work on the ground is Phuhlisani's key strength we also provide value added research and knowledge management services including a dedicated land news website that provides links to the main stories making land news in South Africa and the region. We also have close links with the Land Portal - an international NGO based in Holland sharing news, facilitating discussion and contributing in-depth country profiles and issue pages. |
Our focus
Our work currently focuses on:
We maintain an established network of skilled associates who we regularly draw in to different projects and assignments. We work closely with key organisations and networks in the land sector.
Our starting point is the recognition of complexity - that in every setting there are multiple actors, different stories and ways of seeing reflecting unequal relations of power, conflicting interests and needs. We aim to hear these different voices as the foundation for collaborative planning, crafting policy proposals, development initiatives and community-based institutions which promote social justice, equity and result in improved livelihoods and wellbeing. |
Never again shall a single story be told as though it were the only one.
John Berger